Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Nazarene Missionary Family - 1966

Photo of Nazarene Missionary Family - 1966
Bruce Blowers photographer (missing in photo)

In this photo (from left): 
Doudley Powers, Mrs Powers (absent), Will Bromely, John Bromley, Mararet Bromley, Wallace White, Wanda Knox, Marge Merritts, Mona White, Carol Anne Eby, Ruth Blowers, Bruce Blowers (taking the photo), Lee Eby, Helen VanDyne Bolerjack Norcross, Ray Bolerjack (absent) , Merna Blowers Skinner
Can you help with compiling a more thorough history. I need the following information.

The year each missionary joined Nazarene Mission.
The year each left or retired. (We can then include years of service as missionaries.)
For those who have preceded us to heaven, what year did they pass away. 
Anybody missing and should be in this photograph?

Any other interesting bits of information you can recall would be wonderful to include.

Please just click on the 'comments' link below this post.

Thanks for help us compile this information. You just may have that piece of the puzzle that no one has. We want to record it for all now and in the future to enjoy.



If these dates are not correct please let me know or, if you have additional photos to fit in gaps in time please send them.

1 comment:

Andy and Judy said...

We have a book on station called "It All Began With A Vision". It has many of these dates.

Wanda Knox 1955-1974
Wallace & Mona White 1959-94
William Bromley 1958-69
Lee & Carol Eby 1963-1981, 1990
Ray & Helen Bolerjack 1963-91
Merna Blowers 1964-76
Marjorie Merritts 1964-76
Dudley & Joanne Powers 1965-68

It is current to the 1990's. We are enjoying the pictures and stories of previous missionaries here!